Two months ago, my son was browsing the internet when he found the tickets to see Conan O'Brien had just gone on sale. In a moment of uncharacteristic spontaneity (I'm working on it!), we ordered three tickets. The simple "yes" turned into so much more than just this concert!
Here's a photo journal of our trip!
Here's a photo journal of our trip!
Oh, Minneapolis - you've captured my heart!
Look at this fantastic architecture! Old and new so beautifully merged.
Spoonbridge Scuplture, Minneapolis Sculpture Garden
These words are written on the side of the Walker Art Center. Great quote...isn't it cool how a brown brick wall can be transformed into something else simply by the addition of words?
Walker Art Center: We saw an Andy Warhol, a George Segal, and even a Yoko Ono!
View from Walker Art Center roof patio. (note the bridge in the background!)
The Nicollet Mall
This is where the famous hat throw in the opening credits of the Mary Tyler Moore Show was filmed.
Who can turn the world on with a smile?


Quick stops at Mall of America and Ikea (can that ever be quick?)
Record shopping at both Cheapo and Shuga Records :)
Magers and Quinn Booksellers - the best independent bookstore in Minneapolis!!!
(the sculpture my son made)
The beautiful Orpheum Theater was built in 1921 and has staged such acts as the Marx Brothers and Jack Benny!
Yeah! An old style marquee added to the anticipation of the show that evening.
In the three days we were there, the marquee named Barenaked Ladies, The Goo Goo Dolls and Conan!
*The stage is set...
Conan and guests put on a hilarious show.
Another gorgeous cityscape as we walked home after the concert!
Thanks for browsing and check out my flickr for a few more pictures!
"I imagine that yes is the only living thing." -e.e.cummings
"I imagine that yes is the only living thing." -e.e.cummings
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