Monday, January 26, 2015

Oh, January, where have you gone?

January has gone by quick, don't you think?
I came across this perfect quote that made me chuckle, and then stop and say "Hey, wait a minute..."!

After getting through a busy holiday season, we all could (and should) take a rest. But often we go right back into our busy routines come January. Be it a vacation or daily meditation, we need some time to be still and revitalize.

So now that things have slowed down a bit, I am going to work some quiet time into every day. I'm trying for a slow February!

Let's take some time to rejuvenate and feed our soul.
Let there be space in our busyness.

Let's quiet the mind and look at the sky.

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.  ~Ovid

Belated Happy New Year!


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